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Thursday, April 7, 2011

The weather is warming up again....

The weather is warming up and I am getting calls left and right to book all sorts of great sessions. I can't wait! I have alot of "friends" sessions coming up. These sessions are ALOT of fun. Most of my "friends" sessions are for groups of teenagers. They pick a location and we just do alot of randoms and candids. I always end up with hundreds of photos and always end up with some great shots of individuals, friends, and groups out of it. They're a great opportunity to create some memories and have a blast! I have a few "friends" sessions for younger girls as well...tea parties and other fun stuff. I can't wait to see what comes out of it. The best part about the warmer weather is the opportunity for outdoor photo sessions. These are my absolute favorites. Nature provides some amazing "props" of its own and there is nothing like the excited little faces of kids when they get to play in the beautiful spring weather after being cooped up all winter! The flowers are in full bloom. Animals are starting to come out and new baby animals are being born. It's a great time of year! I can't wait to post some new shots from what I end up with over the next several months.

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