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Thursday, June 24, 2010

Some of my favorites over the years.....

1 comment:

  1. Heather so many of these are so great! I was wondering if you were into photography too from some of your pics I've seen! Awesome! Another thing we can chat about! BTW I was really looking forward to seeing you, I hope I didn't miss your trip down here! Please email me (it's on my blog under "contact me") cuz I have really enjoyed getting in touch again. Hope I didn't mess that up, especially if it was due to my whole deactivating facebook thing. I am really sorry about all the confusion. I feel bad it went so wrong, it is not at all what I intended. Whoa, long comment! But didn't know how else to get a msg to you! Hope to hear from you soon!! Love & Blessings, :D
